James Reid Coach


Ep.69 | Wednesday Recap | Seth Berger

If you REALLY are after unlocking the best of who you are and what you can be, you have no choice but to GO…


Waiting doesn’t equate to winning when it comes to your next level.  

In today’s episode of Coming Up Clutch™️, I summarize the Top 3 nuggets from Monday’s interview with former AND1 co-Founder, Venture Capitalist, Championship Coach, and the Managing Director of the Philadelphia 76ers Innovation Lab, Seth Berger.

We get real about the highs and lows of success and what it takes to unlock your best.

If you want to learn some tips from someone who’s achieved the highest levels of success in both sports and business, then lock in to this cliffs notes version of my interview with Seth.

[00:01 – 14:02] Seth’s BIG Three

  • #1: The lesson seth learned as an athlete that led to his success as an entrepreneur, executive, and coach
  • #2: How to deal with failure after the highs of success
  • #3: How to pursue excellence at the highest levels and maintain a tight knit family

[07:56 – 10:40] Wrapping Up!

  • Make sure to listen to the full interview with Seth to get more of his wisdom and hear his BIG DOMINO
  • Take action…
    • Pick ONE of the three nuggets to work on 
    • COMMIT


“Find a way to identify as a COMPETITOR and compete every day in whatever role you’re in.” – Seth Berger

“If you’re called to be a competitor you’re called to be a competitor. It doesn’t matter what arena you’re in.” – J.R.



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