James Reid Coach

I’m J.R.

Peak Performance Junkie


Trusted Advisor

Family Guy


Since 2005, I’ve been counted on by the world’s best to help them win at the highest levels in sports, business, and life.

But don’t be fooled. My journey hasn’t been a walk in the park…

I’m not your guy if…

You’re looking for a Yes Man.

You have enough people telling you everything you want to hear. The people who stay at the top are the ones surrounded by the truth.

If you’re the person who loves to make their own rules, but hates being called out on them, our personalities will clash. I’m constantly calling my clients out on their B.S. so they can step into their destiny.

Accountability isn’t your thing.

You just want advice.

You can find that on YouTube or in a book. Plus, you’re constantly surrounded by people telling you what to do. Transformation happens when you have someone challenging you to figure it out on your terms.

In this game, data is everything. If science and metrics scare you, good luck making decisions based on emotions. You’re better off sitting on your butt watching Netflix.

You don’t like science.

Family isn’t a priority.

The people whose sole motivation is fame and fortune don’t survive my program. Relationships are everything in life. The ones who aren’t willing to accept this are the ones walking away from their careers depressed and with nothing.

I’m not Jesus. Plus, it’s not my job to know everything. It’s to teach you everything I know. I’ve paid my dues and have learned from the world’s best. But just like the game you play, there’s still a lot to learn. Peak performance is about the pursuit of mastery. I’ll be on it until I die. Will you?

You expect me to know everything.

Some Things I’m REALLY Proud Of…

For 30 days straight, I hosted the Champions Rise Challenge, locking arms with my peers, mentees, and clients – some of the world’s best athletes, coaches, and experts.

Together, we gave sports families all over the world the gift of hope, love, and transformation during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

It was powerful.

As an athlete, I quickly learned that words can either build you up or break you down. Since I’m in the build-you-up business, I gladly accepted the invitation to co-author a book meant to do just that.

The W.O.W Factor book provides you with compelling insights on 52 common words – words that can shape your week and just maybe your future. In this book, you’ll gain insight from world or national leaders, peak performers, and people who have risen to the top of their industry.

I was living in a pile of s*** for over three years and should’ve lost everything. But I got out thanks to tough decisions, a lot of hard work, and great coaches and mentors.

Michael Hyatt, a world-renowned leadership expert and New York Times Best-Selling Author, featured my turnaround story in his book, Your Best Year Ever. That’s when I knew I’d come a LONG way.

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