Ep.6 | Wednesday Recap | Mikie Mahtook

In this week’s Wednesday Recap, J.R. summarizes the three BIG nuggets of wisdom from his interview with 5-Year MLB Vet, National Champion, LSU All-American, and philanthropist, Mikie Mahtook. So if you want the cliff notes version of Monday’s episode, make sure to check out this week’s recap!

[00:01 – 06:41] Mikie’s BIG Three

  • #1: When you’re in a slump in whatever you do, realize that there’s so much more to your life than what you do for a living. Then, take a step back and ask yourself three questions: 
    • What’s going on?
    • Is this the worst thing I’ve been through?
    • How do I get past this?
  • #2: Manage distractions coming from family and friends through effective communication such as: 
    • Let them know what’s going on with you
    • Let them know how you feel, especially when what they’re doing or saying is a distraction
  • #3: Start living in the future of your money
    • Live below your means and SAVE
    • Make sure your spending is aligned with where you want to go
    • Use the discipline needed to excel in your profession

[06:42 – 08:20] Wrapping Up!

  • Make sure to listen to the full interview with Mikie to get ALL his nuggets
  • Take action…
    • Pick ONE of the three nuggets to work on 
    • COMMIT


“You’re not supposed to know ALL the answers for every area in your life. That’s why help exists.” – J.R.



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