James Reid Coach


Ep.75 | Wednesday Recap | Jason Hitte

The best leaders seem to have an innate instinct.

You know, the ones who stand up when everyone else stays silent…

The ones who charge an airplane hijacker while everyone else enters into a panic…

The ones who show up for their kids even though they’re running a 102 degree fever…

In today’s episode of Coming Up Clutch™️, I summarize the Top 3 nuggets from Monday’s interview with spiritual leader and relationship expert, Jason Hitte.

We got real about his battle with anxiety and the challenges he faced (and overcame!) leading his church and team during the uncertainties of a pandemic.

If you want to learn how to look anxiety in the eye and lead when it matters most, then lock in to the cliffs notes version of my interview with Ps. Jason.

[00:01 – 11:37] Jason’s BIG Three

  • #1: How to overcome anxiety
  • #2: How to have faith in the middle of your storm
  • #3: What’s wrong with marriages today and what you can do to make yours right

[11:38 – 14:22] Wrapping Up!

  • Make sure to listen to the full interview with Jason to get more of his wisdom and hear his BIG DOMINO
  • Take action…
    • Pick ONE of the three nuggets to work on 
    • COMMIT


“Removing a bad thought is not enough. You must replace it.” – J.R.

“Recommit to God. Recommit to your marriage.” – J.R.



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