James Reid Coach


Ep.36 | Wednesday Recap | Jacob Aranza

In this week’s Wednesday Recap, J.R. summarizes the three BIG nuggets of wisdom from his interview with spiritual leader, former chaplain for the New Orleans Saints, and current leader of over 20 flourishing churches in the U.S., Ps. Jacob Aranza. So if you want the cliffs notes version of Monday’s episode, make sure to check out this week’s Recap!

[00:01 – 10:20] Jacob’s BIG Three

  • #1: The absolute ONE THING you MUST do to have a sustainable and successful marriage: give up your independence
    • Must cut out the areas of your life that you used previously that are NOT serving your marriage
    • When something great has to happen, God usually wants to mark you in a private area of your life so you’ll remember it’s HIM, not you.
  • #2: The one choice you HAVE to make when you’re not “feeling the love” in your marriage: CHOOSE LOVE
    • Emotions are great to live with, but terrible to live by
    • Emotions are not loyal
    • The more you choose love, the more your emotions follow
    • Emotions are terrible to live by, but when you make the right choices, they’re great to live with. MAKE THE CHOICE TO LOVE.
  • #3: To stay emotionally connected with your spouse when work demands take you away from the home for regular periods of time, be connected to God
    • Our first connection with our wife begins with our connection with God
    • When you turn away from temptation and honor God, it actually builds passion for your relationship
    • Thank God for what you have

 [10:20 – 12:06]  Wrapping Up!

  • Make sure to listen to the full interview with Jacob to learn about the biggest mistake couples are making in marriage and hear his BIG DOMINO
  • Take action…
    • Pick ONE of the three nuggets to work on 
    • COMMIT


“People who have fulfilling marriages are the ones who are willing to die to their independence.” – Jacob Aranza



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