James Reid Coach


Ep.33 | Wednesday Recap | Erik Averill

In this week’s Wednesday Recap, J.R. summarizes the three BIG nuggets of wisdom from his interview with pro athlete turned Private Wealth Advisor, Erik Averill. So if you want the cliffs notes version of Monday’s episode, make sure to check out this week’s Recap!

[00:01 – 11:22] Erik’s BIG Three

  • #1: Surround yourself with MENTORS, but not just ANY mentors…GREAT mentors.
    • What makes a great mentor relationship?
      • 3 Key Questions you MUST ask:
        • Do they know who I am? Am I willing to open up the deepest parts of my heart with these individuals? 
        • Do they have my best interests in mind?
        • Do they not benefit from me? Do they not need anything from me?
      • Other MUSTs:
        • You MUST have the humility to admit you don’t know everything
        • MUST ask yourself, “Have I given them enough authority in my life?”
  • #2:  Own the fact that you’re in control of your own decisions and spending patterns.
    • Your controllables are…
      • INCOME – invest in yourself
      • TAXES – plan your taxes because they’re the only thing about money that’s guaranteed
      • WIN the cash flow game
    • Wealth = well-being and contentment
    • Biggest mistake people make when it comes to their wealth: they don’t have an architect building a blueprint. You’re the owner. Who’s the architect?
  • #3: Common mistake even the wealthy make: lack of clarity of WHY MONEY matters
    • Get clarity on the next 90 days
    • Most important step: Identify why money matters and don’t forget it

[11:23 – 13:39]  Wrapping Up!

  • Make sure to listen to the full interview with Erik to get his bonus tips around Money and Marriage and hear his BIG DOMINO
  • Take action…
    • Pick ONE of the three nuggets to work on 
    • COMMIT


“You can’t get out the best of you if you won’t go to the depths of you.” – J.R.



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