James Reid Coach


Ep.144 | Wednesday Recap | Dr. Nick Holton & Dr. Jon Beale

Why is it not uncommon to hear about Olympic gold medalists and World Champions becoming depressed AFTER they reach the top of their success mountain?

Before I began my personal and professional development journey, I was shocked every time I heard a story about this. 

Then I took a few wrong turns and realized how easy it is to fall into the trap.

In today’s episode of Coming Up Clutch™️, I summarize the Top 3 nuggets from Monday’s interview with two of the world’s top experts on the science of human flourishing, Dr. Nick Holton and Dr. Jon Beale.

We talk about the science and how to miss the unfulfillment traps that millions of people fall into every day while chasing success.

Lock in to get the summary of my interview with Dr. Nick and Dr. Jon.

[00:01 – 15:47] Dr. Nick and Dr. Jon’s BIG Three

  • #1: What is human flourishing and how you can experience it
  • #2: The two greatest predictors of general well-being, satisfaction of life, and fulfillment
  • #3: What you can’t miss if you want to have more life-satisfaction and fulfillment in your daily life

[15:48 – 18:07] Wrapping Up!

  • Make sure to listen to the full interview with Dr. Nick & Dr. Jon to get more of their wisdom and hear their BIG DOMINOS
  • Take action…
    • Pick ONE of the three nuggets to work on 
    • COMMIT


“Success is not an automatic route to meaning and fulfillment” – Dr. Nick Holton

“Part of the journey to living a good life is identifying what works best for you.” – Dr. Jon Beale



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