James Reid Coach


Ep.135 | Wednesday Recap | Dr. Amber Selking

How often do you let your emotions drive your behavior?

I’m half Italian – and if you haven’t heard, us Italians get emotional.

I also care a TON about winning – at home and in my career. But I’ve had to learn some hard lessons about my emotions and their effect on my behaviors in order to win more often. 

In today’s episode of Coming Up Clutch™️, I summarize the Top 3 nuggets from Monday’s interview with human performance expert, sports psychologist, and author, Dr. Amber Selking.

Dr. Amber shared some practical advice about how to manage our thoughts and emotions more effectively so we can win more often in every area of our life. 

Lock in to get the summary of my interview with Amber.

[00:01 – 11:55] Dr. Amber’s BIG Three

  • #1: What we need to be aware of when it comes to mental and emotional fitness
  • #2: How to make your team better through a common language around emotional fitness
  • #3: What’s a must to improve our daily mental health 

[11:56 – 14:39] Wrapping Up!

  • Make sure to listen to the full interview with Amber to get more of her wisdom and hear her BIG DOMINO
  • Take action…
    • Pick ONE of the three nuggets to work on 
    • COMMIT


“If you care about winning, then you need to understand how your emotions help you win or make you lose.” – Dr. Amber Selking



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