James Reid Coach


Ep.195 | Wednesday Recap | Dr. Adam Wright

How many times have you showed up to something knowing you didn’t have your A-game and let your feelings decide your energy and effort? C’mon, be honest.

But here’s a question that I ask my clients (and my own kids!) that I encourage you to ask yourself on those days: What if you gave 100% of your B-game?

I’ll take 100% effort and energy from someone with B-level talent than 20% from someone with A-level talent any day of the week. You’d be surprised how much more can be accomplished when you just fight through everything coming against you.

In today’s episode of Coming Up Clutch™️, I summarize the Top 3 nuggets from Monday’s interview with top sports psychologist and performance expert, Dr. Adam Wright.

Lock in to get the summary of my interview with Dr. Adam.

[00:01 – 08:45] Dr. Adam’s BIG Three

  • #1: One of the main reasons why highly talented people underachieve
  • #2: Dr. Adam’s take on pressure and how we can overcome it
  • #3: How to become more emotionally and psychologically flexible

[08:46 – 10:27] Wrapping Up!

  • Make sure to listen to the full interview with Dr. Adam to get more of his wisdom and hear his BIG DOMINO
  • Take action…
    • Pick ONE of the three nuggets to work on 
    • COMMIT


“You can feel bad and still perform well.” Dr. Adam Wright 



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