James Reid Coach


Ep.83 | Joshua Lifrak | The Overlooked Mindset Shift That’s Necessary to Thrive

How many times in your life have you heard the phrase, “Stay positive”?

After a screw-up…

After a loss…

After a breakup…

It’s an innocent, well-meaning little phrase that’s tougher to accept than most people want to admit. 

To be honest, the LAST thing I want to do is “stay positive” when I’m feeling like crap.

So, what’s the answer?

Mindset expert and 2016 World Series Champion, Joshua Lifrak, shares his answer today on the Coming Up Clutch with J.R.™ show.

In this latest episode, Josh and I talk about…

  • The shift the Chicago Cubs players made that led to them winning the 2016 World Series
  • What continues to give the highest level athletes and executes a competitive edge
  • Why going straight from negative thinking to positive thinking is NOT the answer

…and so much more.

If you want to learn about the mindset shift the world’s most successful athletes and executives make DAILY, then don’t miss today’s episode.

[00:01 – 12:44] Introducing Joshua to the Show

  • Josh’s most embarrassing moment and the lesson learned from it
  • Josh’s story and background

[12:45 – 19:58] The shift the Chicago Cubs players made that led to them winning the 2016 World Series

  • Saw chance to win World Series as OPPORTUNITY (not pressure)
  • Joe Maddon’s leadership – allowed players to be themselves and HAVE fun during the process
  • Whatever we look for we’re going to find – FIND what’s great right now

[19:59 – 32:13] What continues to give the highest level athletes and executes a competitive edge

  • Approach MUST take: Get in front of this thing
  • 5 levels of MLB player
    • I’m happy to be here
    • I belong here
    • I’m going to do whatever it takes to stay here
    • Give me as much money as I can
    • All I want to do is win
  • How to get from “I’m happy to be here” to “All I want to do is win”
    • Cultural element – this is what we do here
    • Individually
      • Get a fear of God = being in AWE of God
      • Accept that this is the path you’re on right now – make the best of it

[32:14 – 45:08] Why going straight from negative thinking to positive thinking is NOT the answer

  • Neutral thinking = Thought process that deals with concrete and objective facts with JUDGING or GRADING
    • Doesn’t matter if it’s hard or easy, or good or bad – if I want to go from A to B, then I’m going to have to do _________ (fill in your blank) => i.e. what are the steps that I have to take, then take them.
    • Car analogy:
      • Super negative: reverse
      • To go from super negative to super positive, you’d kill the transmission
      • When you get to neutral, you have a CHOICE on which direction you want to go

[45:09 – 50:46] Wrapping Up

  • Josh’s BIG domino
  • How to connect with Josh


“Never make anyone feel small. Instead, lift them up.” – Joshua Lifrak

“You don’t have to be sick to get better.” – Joshua Lifrak

“Don’t let scarcity drive you. Let abundance drive you.” – Joshua Lifrak



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