James Reid Coach


Ep.155 | Dr. Ben Rall | Your Body is Designed to Heal

Americans take more pills, potions, and lotions than any other nation.

But here’s the staggering statistic – while Americans take 75% of the world’s medications, they only account for 5% of the population.

The sad part about all of this – God designed our body to heal itself. 

On today’s episode of the Coming Up Clutch with J.R.™ show, world-class doctor of chiropractic, author, and podcast host, Dr. Ben Rall, shares his wisdom and insight on this.

In this latest episode, Dr. Ben and I talk about…

  • The key behind Dr. Ben going from rock bottom to building the largest clinic in country in 18 months
  • How your health plays a critical role in achieving your purpose
  • What we need to wake up to about our health and healing, especially in today’s world of pills, potions, and lotions

…and so much more.

If you want to leverage your body’s natural design to heal and recover, then lock in to today’s episode.

[00:01 – 12:10] Introducing Dr. Ben Rall to the show

  • Dr. Ben’s most embarrassing moment
  • Dr. Ben’s background, story, and professional journey

[12:11 – 26:05] The key behind Dr. Ben going from rock bottom to building the largest clinic in country in 18 months

  • Surrender
  • It was no longer, “Are they going to like me?” “What are they going to say about me?”…it was all about surrendering. Surrendering was doing the right thing you knew you should do and not being afraid to fail. The irony: when you’re afraid to fail, you create failure (because you’re holding back).
  • Can’t stop doing the things that have helped you win in the past
  • The man fully alive is uninhibited 
  • The most dangerous person is the one who’s willing to die for something
  • If you’re designed to be a leader, then step in to being a leader
  • God will keep messing you up until you listen

[26:06 – 36:22] How your health plays a critical role in achieving your purpose

  • Our purpose is a divine purpose (Jeremiah 29:11) and our bodies are designed to heal. That’s a pretty important premise to start from.
  • Out of that purpose, we have a BIG role: stewarding our bodies.
  • Ben: I don’t want to have wasted the life God gave me
  • Honor the fact that God has a purpose for you by stewarding your mind-body-spirit
  • We have to have a reverence for the fact that we didn’t create ourselves, we don’t beat our heart, and we don’t have to think about taking a breath. 

[36:23 – 54:56] What we need to wake up to about our health and healing, especially in today’s world of pills, prescriptions, and shortcuts 

  • Eye-opening statistics:
    • 38th in healthcare
    • 33rd in longevity
    • #1 area of cancer is childhood cancer
    • Autism Rates: 1 in 28 boys, 1 in 35 girls
    • We take more pills, potions, and lotions than any other nation
    • America is 5% of the population, but takes 75% of the medications
    • For four years in a row, our life expectancy has gone down (that was BEFORE COVID). The last time this happened was World War 2
    • We’re the first generation where our kids are expected to live shorter than their parents
    • U.S. has the worst infant mortality and maternal mortality in the industrialized world 
    • Average Senior takes 11 prescription drugs
    • #3 cause of death is properly prescribed prescription drugs
  • You can’t biohack God
  • The greatest pharmacy in the world is inside of your body right now
  • Find the healthiest person you can find and learn from them
  • 3 Key Takeaways:
    • #1 – Your nutrition matters – you body doesn’t run on calories, it runs on nutrients
    • #2 – Movement matters
    • #3 – Your perspective matters (stop living in fear)
  • Real health care is the decisions that you make about your lifestyle – the greatest medical breakthrough is your lifestyle

[54:57 – 58:11] Wrapping Up

  • Dr. Ben’s BIG domino
  • How to connect with Dr. Ben


“When you’re afraid to fail, you create failure (because you’re holding back).” – Dr. Ben Rall

“If you’re designed to be a leader, then step in to being a leader.” – Dr. Ben Rall

“God will keep messing you up until you listen.” – Dr. Ben Rall

“You can’t biohack God.” – Dr. Ben Rall

“The greatest pharmacy in the world is inside of your body right now.” – Dr. Ben Rall

“Find the healthiest person you can find and learn from them.” – Dr. Ben Rall

“Real health care is the decisions that you make.” – Dr. Ben Rall



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