Ep.161 | Chris Jarvis | Be the Giraffe

How do you view vulnerability?

For years, that word made me uncomfortable…

Because men are supposed to be strong and vulnerability is a sign of weakness, right?


Vulnerability is necessary for your growth. 

On today’s episode of the Coming Up Clutch with J.R.™ show, I sit down with financial expert and trusted advisor to billionaire families and business owners, Chris Jarvis. 

In this powerful episode, Chris shares what we can all learn from giraffes when it comes to vulnerability and success. 

Yes, we’re going to talk about giraffes.

In this latest episode, Chris and I talk about…

  • How to cross the bridge from successful to ultra-successful
  • What Chris means by “Be the Giraffe” and how it can impact your life and career
  • What a giraffe can teach you about the power of vulnerability

…and so much more.

If you want to dominate the Fields of Play that you roam, then lock in to today’s episode.

[00:01 – 09:50] Introducing Chris to the show

  • Chris’s most embarrassing moment
  • Chris’s background, story, and professional journey

[09:51 – 28:40] How to cross the bridge from successful to ultra-successful

  • People who are NOT born in the US are more likely to millionaires and billionaires than people who ARE born in the US
  • The odds of a millionaire becoming a billionaire are next to zero (Chris: if you’re successful, you’ll never become super-successful because, once you become successful, you know there’s something you can do to maintain a certain level of success)
  • Must have a change in mindset – what made you successful may not make you ultra-successful…but before you even think about changing, the big question you have to ask is, “Should I change?” 
  • If the answer is YES, then you have to be honest with yourself and determine if you’ve taken whatever you have as far as you could, and if that next level really suits your gifts and passions.
  • You also have to ask yourself WHY you’re making the decisions you’re making
    • Be outcome driven vs. ego driven (Chris referenced the book, “Your Ego is Not Your Amigo”)
    • You may wish for something and you might get it (and it turns out you really didn’t want it)
    • Must be aware of your ego because everyone struggles with this

[28:41 – 34:45] What Chris means by “Be the Giraffe” and how it can impact your life and career

  • Context: wildebeests and zebras just go with the herd…where the pack goes, they go. Also, they eat from the grass, so they’re heads are down when that’s happening. Giraffes have a neck that’s six feet long and eats from trees, not grass…and they’re constantly looking and surveying what’s going on (it has more of a vision)
  • Problem: most people are living with their head down with the attitude, “I just need to get this done” and they don’t stop to ask whether they should
  • Anyone successful has the ability to put their head down and work, but you have to shift the mindset to “I know I could, but should I?”
  • Ask yourself:
    • What is it that I really want?
    • Are you sure what you’re going for is going to get you there?
    • Is it possible something else might get you there?
  • It’s ok to put your head down and crush something, as long as you’re pretty certain that it’s going to give you what it is you want and need – there’s nothing worse than busting your ass, getting what you want, and going, “Is that it?”
  • You don’t need to over-analyze everything, but you do need to check to make sure it’s important to you

[34:46 – 45:54] What a giraffe can teach you about the power of vulnerability

  • The giraffe is the only animal that evolved to be more vulnerable 
  • By being more vulnerable, it could see things that others can’t and reach things that others won’t (it’s the origin of “sticking your neck out”)
  • Giraffe can eat from trees in ANY environment, so they don’t have to migrate
    • Chris: Do you want to be migrating and constantly moving, but moving with everyone else and get what they get? OR, do you want the freedom to go somewhere else?
  • When you’re the most vulnerable person in the room, your relatability, connection, and impact will go through the roof
  • If you’re afraid to do something different, you’re never going to get a different result
  • You can be the Alpha, but you’ll end up being alone. If you want help, you have to be doing something that other people believe in and care about (being vulnerable helps that)
  • Everyone wants to be an outlier, but they don’t want to be an outcast

[45:55 – 51:33] Wrapping Up

  • Chris’s BIG domino
  • How to connect with Chris


“Be outcome driven vs. ego driven.” – Chris Jarvis

“Most people live with the attitude, ‘I just need to get this done,’ instead of first asking whether they should.” – Chris Jarvis

“There’s nothing worse than busting your ass to get what you want, then once you get it ask, ‘Is that it?’” – Chris Jarvis

“When you’re vulnerable, you see things that others can’t and reach things that others won’t.” – Chris Jarvis 

“When you’re the most vulnerable person in the room, your relatability, connection, and impact will go through the roof.” – Chris Jarvis

“If you’re afraid to do something different, you’re never going to get a different result.” – Chris Jarvis

“Everyone wants to be an outlier, but they don’t want to be an outcast.” – Chris Jarvis



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