James Reid Coach


Ep.110 | Carly Paige | Healthy Doesn’t Have to Be Hard

When you think of nutrition and eating healthy, how many excuses typically come to mind? Be honest.

Here’s a few that used to creep up on me…

“I don’t have time right now.”

“It’s too expensive”

“It’s no fun.”

“My kids won’t eat it.”

Sound familiar?

In my performance journey, I admit – these were ALL excuses. 

These statements are just not true.

But thanks to culinary nutrition expert, author, and private chef, Carly Paige, I went from clueless to confident when it comes to fueling my body for optimal performance.

In today’s episode of the Coming Up Clutch with J.R.™ show, I sit down with Carly to bust the myths around nutrition and healthy eating.

In this latest episode, Carly and I talk about…

  • How to eat healthy during the busyness of life
  • The 3 keys to fueling your body for long-term success
  • What everyone should know about eating for peak performance

…and so much more.

If you want to make eating healthy easier in your life, then don’t miss today’s episode.

[00:01 – 13:21] Introducing Carly to the show

  • Carly’s most embarrassing moment
  • Carly’s background and professional journey

[13:22 – 15:04] How nutrition can help you overcome anxiety

  • There’s so many artificial ingredients in today’s foods that impact how we feel and function 
  • Gut health is extremely important – lot of our hormone production goes on there
    • Gut = second brain (lot of research behind connection between gut + brain axis and how the gut impacts your mental health and well-being) 
  • The more we can change the microflora of our gut through eating whole, unprocessed and fermented foods, the more we can shift how we’re feeling

[15:05 – 20:32] How to eat healthy during the busyness of life

  • It doesn’t matter what dietary lifestyle you choose to follow, we need to be eating more plants
  • All about balance – Must ask: “What can I eat during my day to boost my health and well-being?” (instead of thinking, “What do I need to take away?”). Eventually, the good foods on your plate will crowd out the bad ones and your cravings will start to shift
  • Eating during travel. There’s nothing worse than being on the road and being underprepared. Make sure you have:
    • Protein bars
    • Emergency backup
    • Hemp seeds
    • Green superfood powders

[20:33 – 27:48] The 3 keys to fueling your body for long-term success 

  • 3 Keys:
    • Educate yourself on what’s right for your body
    • Get help
    • Prepare
  • Bottom line: Investing in yourself helps you become your best self and perform at your best 
  • Perfectionism is our worst enemy because it’s something we will never be able to achieve.
  • Quote from ohn Maxwell: the secret of success is found in your daily routine
    • MISTAKES people make: they go big too quick. Overnight success is NOT going to create sustainable change
  • KEY: Simplify, scale back, and focus on a few things that will make a big difference

[27:49 – 34:40] What everyone should know about eating for peak performance

  • Everyone seems to have the RIGHT solution, but they’re all different…we need to be talking about YOUR unique journey. 
  • There’s no ONE right way. Your journey to greater health and wellness is as unique as you are as an individual. 
  • Look past the label…must read the ingredients

[34:41 – 37:48] Wrapping Up

  • Carly’s BIG domino
  • How to connect with Carly


“Perfectionism is our worst enemy because it’s something we will never be able to achieve.” – Carly Paige

“The secret of success is found in your daily routine.” – Carly Paige (quoting John Maxwell)

“Overnight success is NOT going to create sustainable change.” – Carly Paige

“There’s no ONE right way when it comes to nutrition. Your journey to greater health and wellness is as unique as you are as an individual.” – Carly Paige 

“Healthy doesn’t have to be hard.” – Carly Paige



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