James Reid Coach


Ep.197 | Anderson Gracias | Move On From Major Disappointments

When you tie your identity to your accomplishments, you’re opening the door to more disappointments.

It’s a scary thing to pour your heart and soul into a role or career path, enjoy ridiculous amounts of success, then have it all ripped away in a matter of minutes.

That’s exactly what happened to my Guest who I interview on today’s episode of the Coming Up Clutch with J.R.™ show. Anderson Gracias spent almost two decades breaking records at Sony only to be let go after a record-breaking performance. Most people would’ve cracked and started playing the blame game. Not Anderson.

In this latest episode, Anderson and I talk about… 

  • What Anderson did after getting the worst news of his successful career
  • The good and bad of our ego
  • How Anderson was able to sustain a strong marriage and family despite going through an unexpected career transition

…and so much more.

If you want inspiration on how to move on from major disappointments, then lock in to today’s episode.

[00:01 – 07:08] Introducing Anderson to the show

  • Anderson’s most embarrassing moment
  • Anderson’s background, story, and professional journey

[07:09 – 13:16] What Anderson did after getting the worst news of his successful career

  • He “owned it”
  • He didn’t look for someone to blame
  • He cried, then he called the most important people in his life: my family (wife, boys, and parents) and I told them the naked truth of what just happened
  • It was a painful, long process to overcome this firing because his identity was tied to his position (“my last name was Playstation,” “my first name was Sony“)

[13:17 – 24:48] The good and bad of our ego

  • To Anderson, the identity issue all comes down to ego
  • Right amount of ego is important, but when ego takes over, that’s when it hits the fan
  • We have to look inward and determine how much ego is affecting ourselves
  • Anderson’s advice to prevent your ego from taking over:
    • #1: unless you’re Jesus Christ, you can’t be the best at anything. Be aware that there’s always someone better than you, so surround yourself with those people…people who make you better…people who move WITH you, not AGAINST you
    • #2: When something challenging happens to you, realize it’s not your fault, but that doesn’t mean it was someone else’s fault. Don’t waste your time finding someone to blame, just own it. It will hurt, but it will pass.

[24:49 – 30:21] What would’ve helped Anderson make a faster recovery from his firing at Sony

  • Getting closer to God
  • We have to surrender to God’s will 

[30:22 –  41:20] How Anderson was able to sustain a strong marriage and family despite going through an unexpected career transition

  • Anderson was very transparent about his career with his wife – heart metaphor (you don’t take your heart out when you go to work, so do that when you go home?)
  • In order to have family support, you need to support them (can’t expect support from your family when you never provide it)
  • Offer help instead of asking for help all the time

[41:21 – 48:06] Wrapping Up

  • Anderson’s BIG domino
  • How to connect with Anderson


“Don’t waste your time finding someone to blame. Just own it.” – Anderson Gracias 

“Be aware that there’s always someone better than you, so surround yourself with those people.” – Anderson Gracias

“When something challenging happens to you, realize it’s not your fault, but that doesn’t mean it was someone else’s fault.” – Anderson Gracias

“Don’t let the fear of disappointing others take over you.” – Anderson Gracias



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