James Reid Coach


Ep.202 | 5 Minute Drill | Protect Your Time, Boost Your Relationships

For most of my professional life, I thought I made it because of the contact list and network I had. Problem is, most of my 2,000+ contacts in my phone were surface-level and one-way relationships. Plus, I rarely was intentional about how I was building and protecting the relationships that truly mattered in my life and career. This approach was pulling me further from thriving and bringing me closer to barely surviving. 

In today’s 5 Minute Drill, I share what’s become a go-to communication strategy for me and my clients. It’s protected hours upon hours of our time and boosted our relationships. You insert this strategy into your lifestyle and career, get ready to win more. 

If you want to thrive with the people around you, then make sure to lock in to today’s Drill.


[00:01- 11:11] Opening Segment

  • J.R. shares a personal story about boundaries, especially when it comes to protecting his time

[11:12 – 15:34] What’s The Drill?

STEP 1: grab a note, or a note card and write down:

  • In-person
  • Video
  • Phone call
  • Email
  • Text

On the left side of that note or note card, throw a down arrow and write the word PRODUCTIVITY. On the right side of that note card, throw an UP arrow and write the word RELATIONSHIP (You’ll use this note card for reference for the next few steps).

STEP 2: On your calendar, look at past meetings or scheduled things you had with people. Ask yourself, could you have laddered down and still accomplished the same outcome, but with just less effort and time? With that same calendar, take a look at what you have scheduled in the future, could you ladder down with any of those scheduled meetings? This is your productivity audit.

STEP 3: With that same calendar, look at past meetings or scheduled things you had with people. Then ask yourself, where should you have laddered up to deepen the relationship or connection? With that same calendar, take a look at what you have scheduled in the future, should you ladder up with any of those scheduled meetings? This is your relationship audit.

STEP 4: Ask yourself what type of meetings or interactions warrant a blanket decision from you. In other words, if this request comes up, you don’t have to think about it. It’s a phone call. Or it’s a text, wherever you feel it needs to be on your ladder.

STEP 5: Make a conscious decision to experiment with this strategy going forward. Carry your note card or note with you and when you’re asked to schedule something with someone, let that ask be your trigger for pulling out the communication ladder and for you to consider your desired outcomes and available time and effort. 

[15:35 – 17:07] Wrapping Up!

  • What’s coming up on the next episode 
  • Final words 


“Thriving isn’t just about the people around you. It’s about how you choose to interact with them.” – J.R.


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