James Reid Coach


Ep.133 | 5 Minute Drill | Your Goals Require Vision

Are you giving your future a chance?

In today’s 5-Minute Drill, I hit Part 3 of our 4-part series on goal-setting. It’s all about your vision. 

While many make the vision process overwhelming and complex, we’re going to make it simple for you…

Because your focus and future require simplicity.

If you want a crystal clear vision that sets you up for sustainable success, then make sure to lock in to today’s Drill. 


[00:01 – 05:56] Opening Segment

  • Quick Recap from last week’s Drill

[05:57 – 12:45] What’s The Drill? 

STEP 1: Plan to unplug for 5 Minutes

STEP 2: Center and ground yourself

STEP 3: With your BHAG in mind and considering all the areas of your life (e.g. career, family, finances, health, etc.), imagine yourself 3 years from now. See the date on your calendar. Here are some example questions you can ask yourself:

  • What are you doing?
  • What have you accomplished?
  • How do you feel?
  • What are you seeing?
  • What kind of impact have you made?
  • Where are you living?
  • What are the people around you saying?
  • What are you proud of?
  • Anything in particular you’re touching?
  • Anything in particular you’re tasting?

TIP: Audio record yourself and your answers while you’re in the visualization.

STEP 4: Narrow down your vision to a maximum of 10-20 bullets

STEP 5: Pick someone in your Inner Circle to read your vision back to you. You’ll close your eyes and confirm each bullet point while that person you selected reads your vision out loud. 

[12:46 – 14:25] Wrapping Up!

  • What’s coming up on the next episode 
  • Final words 


“When you have a vision, you give your focus a chance. When you have focus, you give your future a chance.” – J.R.


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